About Village greens
Village Greens was first opened in June 2014. Our founders worked tirelessly with our local community in Prestwich to bring this idea to life. Along with our members, who come from Prestwich and the surrounding areas, we were able to generate the investment required to create the vibrant happy shop that exists today.
Being owned by the community we live in means we want to be able to connect with the people and groups in the Prestwich area and help everyone lead a happy, healthy and sustainable life. Our products and services are focussed on providing a little more that you get from other large supermarkets and with suitability a key focus we know that buying as much as you need makes accessing good quality organic food more affordable, and also cuts down on waste.
We run with the support of our friendly shop staff, our army of volunteers, the Village Greens board and also the continued support of our members and customers.
We want to be a hub for community health and happiness within Prestwich and remain part of our community for the long term.
Led by Chris​
Favourite products:
White Sourdough Bread, Manco coffee, Cloudwater beers
What jobs have you done before and what attracted you to joining Village Greens?
I have been a farmer in Ireland, I've been a chef, I've travelled everywhere and done every job but never found my home until I moved to Prestwich and joining Village Greens for me feels like all the parts of my life have come together and this where I am meant to be
When not at Village Greens I can be found:
Playing with my daughter Xan, walking my dog Bree and when there's time, gardening and D.I.Y.

Assistant Manager Julian​
Favourite product:
Suma peanut butter - it's got to be crunchy; Cloudwater beers - responsibly of course...
Best thing about working at Village Greens:
Is getting to know our customers, becoming friends with the regulars and meeting new faces every day. Not least is the team we have in the shop, it feels like we are part of a family working together towards a greater good, that gives me great joy!
When not at Village Greens I can be found:
Usually down on the allotment and probably with a Cloudwater or two! I love to grow my own fruits & vegetables and then cooking up lovely meals or making superb preserves. There's also a great community on the allotment, I feel lucky to be part of it.

Staff Member Paul​
Favourite product:
Aduki Beans - make a great red dragon pie with a sweet potato topping. No actual dragons are used in this recipe it is a tasty cottage pie with onions, celery, tomatoes and anything else you want to throw in.
Best thing about working at Village Greens:
I like introducing great new products to people who care about what they eat.
When not at Village Greens I can be found:
"wandering around Prestwich" bringing people together. Being involved in the Artisan Market, Clough Day and the community.

Assistant Manager Emma​
Favourite product:
Hummus from the deli and Lily's samosas
Best thing about working at Village Greens:
We really are one big family. These guys really do have my back and are my true friends.
When not at Village Greens I can be found:
Walking, cycling or reading

what people say ...
.. It's more like popping in to see friends than visiting a shop ...we can't recommend it enough
... Fantastic local
shop. They sell good quality, seasonal organic products, health foods and local produce.
...I can pretty much do my full shop here. Nice friendly staff too.
Top notch local and Organic produce. Great prices for anything in season.
Good selection of GF and Vegan produce too
Our Members
The investment made by our members was unbelievable and we are extremely proud of the interest, support and ongoing relationship we have with our members. More than 400 people put up their own money to make Village Greens a reality, turning the space we have into one where we can serve our community and offer an alternative to the big supermarkets.
As part of our commitment to our members' investment and our co-operative model we are supported by the Village Greens Board who volunteer their time to ensure that Village Greens has a clear strategy, delivers against its accountabilities and also governs the interest of our members.