Village Greens is a multi-stake community co-operative owned by its members, governed by a Board of directors and managed by and run by our shop team together with the help of local volunteers.
Our Mission
To provide a community grocery, offering an alternative shopping experience to supermarkets where consumers can buy high quality organic fresh fruit and vegetables together with whole foods and natural products at competitive prices. We endeavour to trade honestly and ethically with all growers, producers and suppliers, sourcing organic, local and fair trade goods from sustainable sources where possible, including local artisan producers.
Regeneration Expansion
To protect our future we are looking to move into the old Prestwich Social premises. To help with costs of refit and legal fees we are fundraising and invite you to be part of our new future by choosing your contribution from the below options.
Membership of Village Greens is based on the Co-operative principle of £1 per share with a minimum purchase of 100 shares, £100, and a maximum of 20,000 shares, £20,000. (1 member:1 vote irrespective of shares owned)
If you'd rather simply make a donation to our campaign, then please visit our donation page.
As a member you
Are a shareholder in a community business
Have a vote in all our big decisions
Help us grow and shape our future
Play an active part in our local community
Enjoy member benefits including a members card giving regular discounts on key products throughout the year.
Be the first to know of our upcoming events
There are just two easy steps to join:
Read the share offer document so you know what you are investing in
Fill in the application form below, and pay
You will then receive a Share Certificate digitally and be able to collect your Membership Card in shop. If you prefer a more traditional approach then download the application form here online or ask for a copy in the shop.
Any queries please do contact us at: members@village-greens-coop.co.uk
Join the 100’s of people already having a say in Village Greens.
Already a member? Hop across to our Increase Your Membership page.
Membership Application