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The Saturday Morning Bread Run

Village Greens prides itself on the provision of as much fresh and local produce as possible and our bread is no exception. We order daily from Trove in Levenshulme but their Saturday morning delivery isn’t quite early enough for our eager customers so we rely on the help of our lovely band of bread run volunteers to make sure the loaves are ready and waiting when the shop opens at 9am.

I volunteer a couple of times a quarter and the day typically starts with me getting up and out of the door by 7.15am. My very small Fiesta needs to be completely empty with the seats folded down so I can accommodate the loaves, croissants and other delights comfortably for their journey back to the shop. The team at Trove are super helpful and over the months we’ve managed to find the optimum positioning to ensure the bread trays fit (and there’s no risk of damage on the way back) Typically there’s between 6 and 8 trays (the latter requires one on the front seat) Any more and it’ll be on my lap or eaten!! Driving carefully back to Prestwich is then all that’s required (accompanied by the delicious smell of bread), parking around the back of the shop allows for easy unpacking by me and shop staff. Then a quick bit of exclusive shopping before the official opening and the hoards come to collect their delicious baked goods. Simple! Ever thought about volunteering for Village Greens? We have lots of opportunities available and would to hear from you. Just drop us a line. A little bit about me…….. I’m Becca and I’m a Village Greens Member and Volunteer. I have been supporting the Village Greens Marketing Circle for the last 18 months and also help out with some of the food deliveries. I work in business to business marketing by day and in my spare time you’ll find me doing gym classes, singing in the Bury Community Choir and the Manchester Community Choir or on holiday in some far flung part of the world. I am also an Auntie, a God Mum and partner to a running fanatic. 

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