Did you know it's Volunteers' Week this week? And did you know that Village Greens relies on a team of volunteers to keep things running smoothly? From our Board Members to the people who make food deliveries, to those who help out in the shop or support our IT systems, the volunteers work closely with the shop team to ensure the smooth running of our lovely, local community co-operative.
According to the NCVO website, 38% of people in England volunteer at least once a year with 22% volunteering at least once per month. The main reason people gave when asked why they volunteer is that they "want to do good" but there's loads of reasons why giving up some of your time and skills might benefit an organisation like Village Greens.
Volunteering is a great way to engage with your local community, share your valuable skills and experience, meet new people and give something back to society. All great reasons why we'd like to meet you!
We are always looking for more people to support with the Saturday morning bread run so we don't have to rely on the same volunteers every week so if you have a car and are willing to get up early on a Saturday let us know and we'll supply full details of how it works (you'll also be able to claim expenses to cover the cost of your petrol). You can sign up for as many or as few Saturdays as you like (even if it's only once a year!) More about the bread run in our previous blog post.
Whatever your skills or experience, if you'd like to get involved and be a volunteer at Village Greens we'd love to hear from you, so please contact us.