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Behind the Scenes at Village Greens – Cake and Curry!

It’s me again, here to tell you all about a little adventure I had on Friday, all thanks to Village Greens…….

Did you know that as well as the wonderful shop team Village Greens is heavily reliant on volunteers to help make sure everything runs smoothly? Every Friday, a very lovely volunteer gives up his time to collect cakes and curry and deliver them to the shop. Now, unfortunately he’s out of action at the moment so a few of us have volunteered to provide cover and on Friday it was my turn!

I regularly collect and deliver the bread on a Saturday but I’d not done this trip before so reliant on Google Maps and some great instructions I set off to Ardwick. First stop was the Black Cat Cakery. This is really tiny bakery that produces all kinds of sweet treats and cakes which can be found on the counter at Village Greens. Many of their delights are vegan and they shop for their ingredients as locally and ethically as possible. If you’d like to find out more have a read of their website here.

Car loaded with goodies for both Village Greens and PRES I headed over to Ashton.

Next stop Lily’s. Now I’d collected from here before but not from their new premises. Very swish. Lots of vegetarian Indian delights including samosas and other delicious smelling things. Again if you’d like to know more about what they do have a look here. Just enough space in the boot to pack these in and then back to Village Greens.

Dropping off is great because you can park round the back of the shop so it’s easy to unload (and you can get your shopping whilst you’re there) Job done!

So, here’s why I wanted to share this little story…… you think you might be able to help with a job like this once in a while? Do you have your own car and some spare time? Would you like to help your local community? If so please let us know as we’d love to have you on our volunteer list for deliveries (the more people we have the less trips we each need to make)

It’s really straight forward, full instructions given, you can claim back expenses to cover the cost of your petrol and you’ll have a warm fuzzy feeling because you’ve done something fantastic to help Village Greens. Go on, you know you want to……….send us an email!

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