Back at the start of lockdown (can you remember back then?) we introduced our fruit and veg box delivery scheme and relied on a team of wonderful volunteers to get the delicious organic seasonal fruit and veg delivered to our customers in and around Prestwich. They did a marvellous job but now, in keeping with our sustainable ethos, we’ve decided to trial a different kind of delivery system. The electric bike! So if you see one of the riders from Manchester Bike Hire on a Monday or a Thursday then don’t forget to give them a wave. You can order your fruit and veg boxes for delivery here.
We’ve also been working hard to make sure everyone can stay safe whilst shopping with us so our lovely new window design lets you know what you can expect. Thanks to the lovely Myro from Myro Doodles for giving us a refresh! So please…….
Wear a face covering over your nose and mouth (unless you are exempt)
Respect each other by leaving 2m distance
Wash your hands before visiting us or use the hand sanitiser provided
Use gloves (provided) when using the hoppers
If you still feel nervous about visiting us or you continue to shield/self-isolate then you can order online and collect from the back of the shop (or get a delivery by bike as mentioned above) More info here:

And finally you might like to come and have a look at our new friend. He’s called Nipper the Litter Picker scarecrow and is sitting outside the shop. He’s part of the GMP Bury South Scarecrow Festival and has been made by our friends at Clean Team Prestwich to encourage people to pick up their litter. More info about the scarecrow festival on the GMP Bury South Facebook page and why not find out more about Clean Team Prestwich here (they organise regular litter picks and you can sign up to adopt your street and keep it clear of litter!)