Hi everyone it’s Becca here and did you know it’s Co-op Fortnight this week (and last week) Co-ops offer a different way to do business and are a fantastic way to invest in and be part of your local community. Co-operatives UK who organise this campaign are using Village Greens on some of their materials so it’s fab to see our brand and smiling faces popping up all over social media at the mo. Have a little look at what it’s all about here.

Did you know there are other Co-ops in the local area? You can find them all on the Co-operatives UK website here. Our friends at Incredible Edible Prestwich & District are also a Co-op. You may have seen them with their pop up stalls outside the shop or maybe some of their veg planters around Prestwich and Whitefield. Such a fab group who grow fruit, herbs and vegetables in public spaces for everyone to enjoy. Read more about them here.

I became a member of Village Greens back in 2014 because it offered a great way to be part of a local community asset right here in Prestwich. The investments from around 400 people in the local area allowed Village Greens to get started. Now almost 9 years on (look out for more about our birthday celebrations soon) we’re a thriving part of the local community offering so much more than being just a local shop. Village Greens has really had an impact on people’s lives. Our Emma shared her personal story earlier this month for Volunteers’ Week. Read it here on Facebook or Instagram.

In 2017 I started volunteering for Village Greens, helping with some marketing and collecting and delivering the bread on a Saturday morning (more in this blog) I also did the cake and curry run on occasion (more
about this here) Then in 2020 when the pandemic hit I was part of a team of volunteer drivers who delivered fruit and veg boxes and other groceries to local residents who weren’t able to get out to the shops. I also joined the Village Greens Board alongside several other local volunteers.

Fast forward to 2021 and I applied for a job as a Member Pioneer at the Co-op (probably the Co-op most people know and recognise) so since then I’ve been working with local community groups across Prestwich & Whitefield supporting local projects and initiatives. Find out more about what I get up to here.
So here's a big thanks to Village Greens! My love of Co-ops and doing business altogether differently has grown and developed over the last 9 years into something altogether lovely. 💚