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Understanding the Hungry Gap

Hello everyone, Karen here with a bit of a detour from recipes. This time I thought I would address the Hungry Gap.  We’re in that time of year when there seems to be fewer fresh vegetables on offer.  This is known as the Hungry Gap and is usually sometime around late winter/early spring when cold temperatures and shorter days limit the crops we can grow.  It is when UK grown produce is at its lowest and it can be a challenge for those who are choosing to eat seasonally and locally. 

This is a natural part of agriculture in the UK and it is when, in the past, people relied on food that could be stored like root veg, preserved and dried foods.  They also foraged too!  Whilst it was a time of scarcity, people learned to be resourceful.

Now, with industrialised farming and importation of food, this gap is not felt in the same way but it still has an impact.  The lack of local produce leads to rising prices and fewer options.  Many turn to imports, which raises questions about eating out of season and the environmental cost of transporting food from afar.  If you are trying to reduce your food miles and environmental impact, it is a good idea to prepare yourself for this period.   

So, what can we do to see us through this time?  Whilst our colder temperatures and short days limit what we can grow in the UK, there is still some seasonal produce that it hardy enough to withstand the conditions or is capable of being stored.  In terms of vegetables there are leeks, kale, brussels sprouts, winter cabbage, parsnips, swedes, turnips, late season carrots.  Late varieties of apples and pears are also available. 

Wicked Leeks has some great recipes that use food available in the Hungry Gap.

Something else you can do is preserve food in earlier seasons.  If you have a favourite summer vegetable, why not grow it or buy it during its season and either freeze it, can it or even ferment it!  Have a look at this article from HugginsAttic containing tips about different methods of preserving food.

You can also try foraging.  The Woodland Trust offers this great guide for what to forage month by month.  Be careful though when foraging for wild food.  You must be able to correctly identify what you are picking, otherwise you shouldn’t eat it as some wild plants and mushrooms in the UK are deadly poisonous.

Despite the challenges, the Hungry Gap offers us an opportunity to promote a more sustainable food system. If we embrace seasonal eating and support local farmers during this time, we can help reinforce the value of eating locally and sustainably.  We can help reduce reliance on imports and support sustainable farming practices to encourage a more resilient food economy.

There are also lots of exciting innovations in farming too to help to extend the UK growing season , such as greenhouse farming and vertical farming (something I’m trying this year…although mainly to keep my produce as far away from the slugs as I can manage!)

I hope you have found this blog interesting as I believe that being more mindful about our food choices can help to foster a healthier and more sustainable future for all. 

Thanks for reading, have a lovely spring!


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